
some news for all ReactOS interested ppl out there. We have a UDF filesystem driver now.
UDF aka Universal Disk Format is a open filesystem which is used quite often for DVDs and BluRays, but you can use it for USB drives, HDDs and even floppies, too if you want. Windows normally does not support it to format a drive with UDF by GUI, but by console you can do so quite fine. Without this filesystem, ReactOS has no way to play DVDs or BluRays at all and thus it’s an important one, even more impartant than NTFS IMO.
The driver is from Alter’s DVD Write Now Package which he licensed under GPLv2 for us. THX very much for doing so.
Problems we had and which were already fixed are:
– MingW-w64 GCC build was not possible
– SEH2 exception handling was missing
– Many includes and headers which are completely unneeded in ROS code base were removed
– Code excerpts for Demo and Shareware versions were removed
– Building for AMD64 and ARM was not possible

Now it builds fine, but is still not really working. This is not only the case for ROS, but also for Windows XP SP3. Thus we produced a bug in there while we were inlcuding the driver or it had a bug in the code base we got from Alter.

I opened a report about it. Sadly it was not fixed yet.
Here the general report about missing UDF support.

I will keep you updated ^^.

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